Cheap Bathroom Suites
Cheap Bathroom Suites are nothing new to the internet so finding bathroom suites online is easier than ever, however if you're looking for a good quality bathroom suite at a cheap price then you are in the right place. Have a look at all our suites including modern and traditional designs.
Transform your bathroom into a perfect family friendly bathroom with one of our premium suites. Whether you are limited to space and need a compact suite or you just want to add a touch of luxury to your home for an affordable price, our suite range caters to every need which makes them a great choice for people across the uk.
We stock a huge range of designer suites such as modern, traditional, victorian and edwardian to help you find your perfect match. Additionally we stock the biggest and best ranges including Tavistock, Ultra, Soreya, Galaxia, Blanco.
Our suites come in various shapes, colour and sizes making them ideal for ensuites, cloakrooms and larger bathrooms. You'll find we have modern and contemporary designs, shower baths, en-suites ( shower or bath) and even whirlpool baths for added comfort. Each bathroom set typically includes a bath screen or a shower enclosure, freestanding bathtub (double ended/P or L shaped), a toilet, a basin ( with or with vanity unit), taps plus the waste fittings also included. Within this selection the bathtubs are available in multiple different sizes starting from 1500mm.
Unlike our competitors, we offer complete bathroom suites at affordable prices, every suite we sell comes in a comprehensive package so you know exactly what comes in it. We are very flexible when it comes to any requests, if you see anything you don’t want in your package or don't like, be sure to contact one of our friendly bathroom experts today on 0330 053 6040 and they can talk you through any changes you wish to make. Our team of bathroom experts are also there on hand for any advice you may need in order for you to make an informed purchase.

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- Can I collect my order?
- Yes you can. You must contact us to organise your collection time: 0330 053 6040
- Is the Showering Area of the P shapes big enough?
- Thes p baths are specifically designed to proved ample showering space for a fully frown adult. We can't guarantee there will be enough room for every user but for the most part there is plenty of room to enjoy a spacious shower in this one and the left hand p shaped version