6 Bathroom Design Ideas For Autumn
6 Bathroom Design Ideas For Autumn - Bathroom Design Ideas

Autumn is such a cosy time of year. The warmer days of summer have passed and we’ve yet to feel the harsh bite of winter, but at Bathshop321 what we love the most is the beautiful colours of the season. Warm hues of brown and orange are everywhere as the trees begin to shed their leaves, so we thought – why not incorporate that style into our homes? Here at Bathshop321, we love putting together lists of bathroom design ideas for our readers to try in their own homes, and we think we’ve come up with some beautiful autumnal styles that can stay in fashion all year round!
Autumn is such a cosy time of year. The warmer days of summer have passed and we’ve yet to feel the harsh bite of winter, but at Bathshop321 what we love the most is the beautiful colours of the season. Warm hues of brown and orange are everywhere as the trees begin to shed their leaves, so we thought – why not incorporate that style into our homes? Here at Bathshop321, we love putting together lists of bathroom design ideas for our readers to try in their own homes, and we think we’ve come up with some beautiful autumnal styles that can stay in fashion all year round!
Autumnal Bathroom Design Ideas from Bathshop321
1. Drape Coloured Towels Over A Rail
Perhaps one of the cheapest and most simple bathroom design ideas is to simply buy yourself a couple of orange or brown coloured towels to bring in those warm hues. We think these would pair fabulously with cream coloured walls or tiling when draped over towel rails or stacked neatly on a shelf for that perfect autumn glow.
2. Splash Out On A Copper Bathtub
Not only do copper bathtubs bring in the brown autumn colours, they also add a glamorous vintage look to your bathroom. Great for adding classy autumn style and they are sure to look fantastic all year round!
3. Get Creative With Mosaic Tiling
One of the big trends for 2016 has been geometric tiling: creating funky designs out of an assortment of small tiles rather than decorating individual tiles with intricate images. How about creating a feature wall with an autumnal design? We’re thinking that a simple design of a brown, bare tree branch would symbolise the season perfectly (although the less artistic among us may prefer something a bit simpler!).
4. Inhale The Deliciousness Of Scented Candles
Who doesn’t love soaking in the bathtub with a lovely scented candle burning to create a perfect, relaxing atmosphere? Of course there are hundreds and thousands of different candle scents on the market to choose from, but to sum up autumn we would suggest going for a pumpkin fragrance to capture the essence of Halloween or natural fragrances such as sandalwood or oak to remind you of walks through the woods with leaves crunching beneath your feet. One of the cheapest bathroom design ideas for autumn that has the biggest effect on the feel and smell of your bathroom.
5. Invest In Oak Furniture
Nothing sums up classic autumn style like wooden furniture to match the trees shedding leaves outside. The most effective way of incorporating this style is through your bathroom storage units, of which bathshop321.com stocks plenty of: click here to see our range of low price units. We absolutely love this Dark Oak Basin Unit, which is only £329! Make sure to pair dark wooden furniture with lighter floors and walls so that your bathrooms still retains some natural light and doesn’t look too dark and dingy.
6. Start thinking about your bathroom heating!
Finally, as winter approaches fast you will need to start thinking about your bathroom heating. Been meaning to replace your leaky radiator? Fancy a stylish heated towel rail? Autumn is the right time to do it! There is nothing worse than a cold bathroom, as anyone who has ever got out of a bath in the middle of winter in a drafty house can testify, so make sure you and your family keep warm in the upcoming months by investing in a decent, stylish radiator now. We suggest these very stylish radiators/heated towel rails from the Bronte range which ooze traditional, British class. Click here to browse the rest of our range of affordable, quality heating.
Got an autumn style suggestion of your own that we haven’t mentioned? Message our Facebook page with your idea and we will be happy to add it if we agree!