Bathroom Horror Stories Illustrated By The Walking Dead
Bathroom Horror Stories Illustrated By The Walking Dead - Entertainment

We’ve all been through our fair share of bathroom horror stories and awkward situations that we can often find ourselves in – so what better time than Halloween is there to share them? To help us out we’ve enlisted the help of one of our favourite gruesome television show, The Walking Dead, to bring these all-too-real bathroom horrors to life. Can you think of anymore bathroom horror stories that we’ve missed out? If so, just let us know and we’ll try our best to add them to our list!
We’ve all been through our fair share of bathroom horror stories and awkward situations that we can often find ourselves in – so what better time than Halloween is there to share them? To help us out we’ve enlisted the help of one of our favourite gruesome television show, The Walking Dead, to bring these all-too-real bathroom horrors to life. Can you think of anymore bathroom horror stories that we’ve missed out? If so, just let us know and we’ll try our best to add them to our list!
Don’t forget that is planning SCARILY LOW DEALS for you this Halloween weekend- so keep your eyes peeled for our special offers at the end of the week!
When you lock yourself into a public toilet cubicle
No-one can hear you scream…
When you realise that there’s no toilet roll after its too late
Time for the waddle of shame.
When the toilet flush stops working in someone else’s house
This can ruin friendships.
When your shower decides to blast you with icy cold water for 5 seconds
Especially bad if it happens first thing in the morning.
When your hair blocks the shower plughole for the 5th time this month
Out come the tweezers again…
When you drop your only toothbrush down the toilet
You’re sentenced to bad breath until you next visit the store.
When you fall down the toilet after someone leaves the seat up again
No matter how many times you complain, this is a never ending cycle of nagging and ignoring.
Like this? Then you’ll love our guide to showering as told by Game Of Thrones! While you’re at it, make sure to check out our entertainment section, full of fun bathroom related content!
Have we missed any more bathroom horror stories?
Drop us a message on our Facebook page with your suggestion and you may see it added to this list!