Affordable Bathroom Mobility Aids
Affordable Bathroom Mobility Aids - Bathroom Design Ideas

We like to think of the bathroom as a comforting place, where we can wash the troubles of the day away to emerge refreshed and relaxed. For a lot of people however the bathroom can pose a lot of problems that most of us wouldn’t even think about. If you have mobility issues, such as a bad back, a physical disability or are simply just reaching that unfortunate age where you might need some assistance, then something as simple as getting in and out of the bath can be a bit of a struggle. However some clever bathroom manufacturers have designed a massive range of bathroom mobility aids to help people who need it – but this usually comes with a huge price tag.
We like to think of the bathroom as a comforting place, where we can wash the troubles of the day away to emerge refreshed and relaxed. For a lot of people however the bathroom can pose a lot of problems that most of us wouldn’t even think about. If you have mobility issues, such as a bad back, a physical disability or are simply just reaching that unfortunate age where you might need some assistance, then something as simple as getting in and out of the bath can be a bit of a struggle. However some clever bathroom manufacturers have designed a massive range of bathroom mobility aids to help people who need it – but this usually comes with a huge price tag.
Well here at Bathshop321 we don’t believe that you have to pay through the nose to enjoy your bathroom as you should be able to, so we offer all our items at huge discounts for our customers! Whether you’ve broken a bone or have a longer term mobility issue, we have affordable bathroom mobility aids for you.
Easy Access Baths
Our range of easy access baths include features such as power lifts, grip handles and walk in panels. Bad back or knees? The twin grip bath is perfect for you. Trouble walking? Then how about a walk in bath like the Bathe Easy Cascade? Explore our full range of options by clicking here. As bathroom mobility aids go, this is perhaps the biggest investment you will make for years to come, so you need to make sure you’re getting the right one for your needs!
From £100
Grab Bars
Grab bars are quick to install, don’t attract attention and come in a range of colours that will fit in with your bathroom design. They are great for giving you peace of mind for elderly relatives who perhaps live alone and can be placed anywhere they are needed in your bathroom.
- Getting up from the toilet
- Getting in and out of the shower
- Getting in and our of the bath
This cheap and simple piece of equipment reduces the risks of slips and injuries caused by slippy bathroom floors and accidents. We stock a great range of grab bars, which you can see by clicking here.
From £19.50
Shower Seats
Plastic flooring + water = an accident waiting to happen! Make your showers more comfortable and less risky by installing a shower seat. For a more discreet look, choose a fold up seat that can be tucked away for those who do not need it and folded down for those who do. Bathshop321 stocks a range of shower seats that come in all shapes and sizes: from wooden to plastic, black to white. Check them out by clicking here.
From £44.99
Comfort Raised Toilets
Comfort height toilets are simply normal toilets that sit slightly higher than their regular counterparts. Whilst this may not sound like it would make that much of difference to someone’s life, by having less distance to lower your body to sit down it is perfect for those with back or knee problems as it causes less strain. They still retain all the style of a modern toilet, but with a useful bonus feature! From £119.99.
Let nothing stop you!
As our awesome Paralympians are showing us right this moment in Rio, disabilities should never affect our ability to enjoy life and keep our independence. OK so we may be aiming a bit high with that comparison, but we do hope that these bathroom mobility aids featured here can help you enjoy your bathrooms safely without having to break the bank.
Need to know more about our bathroom mobility aids?
Speak to our friendly team about your bathing needs today by calling 0844 811 2321 (local rate). Don’t forgot you can also come and see us in person at one of our two showroom!
Manchester Showroom: Inside Litecraft, Beaumont Buildings, Great Ducie Street, Manchester, M3 1pQ
Cheshire Showroom: Big Storage, Earl Road, Handforth, Cheshire, SK8 6PT