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Gym Goers: Freshening Up After Exercise

Gym Goers: Freshening Up After Exercise - Lifestyle

Gym Goers: Freshening Up After Exercise

So, you’re just about to cool down after an intensive work out session and your eyes meet the clock. You think to yourself “where has the time gone?” and now all you’re thinking about is how to you’re going to juggle things like getting back to the office, running errands or picking up the kids. In times like these, the prospect of shaving even a few minutes of your locker room time can be increasingly tempting.

So, you’re just about to cool down after an intensive work out session and your eyes meet the clock. You think to yourself “where has the time gone?” and now all you’re thinking about is how to you’re going to juggle things like getting back to the office, running errands or picking up the kids. In times like these, the prospect of shaving even a few minutes of your locker room time can be increasingly tempting.

Can we get away with skipping a shower or is that completely gross?

First things first: sweating is awesome. You’re essentially detoxifying your body every time you put your sweat glands into action. However, keeping our bodies and skin healthy are both equally as important. The reality is that if you’re sweaty then making use of a little soap and water wouldn’t go a miss.

What can happen if you don’t combat the post-workout stink?

Body odour

This isn’t just an empty point to spare those who come into smelling distance of you. It is important to note that sweat itself doesn’t actually smell. Body odour only starts to make itself truly known when bacteria are trying to break it down. Therefore, at first it may not be too noticeable but this usually won’t last long.

Dirty clothes/ bed sheets

If you head home to bed after you have worked up a sweat then you are rubbing any excess dirt straight onto them. Bacteria can spread rapidly. Whilst clothes can be thrown in the wash the next time you come fresh out of the shower to lie on your bed you will be putting any remaining dirt back onto your clean body.

Clogged pores

Even if you don’t tend to work up that much of a sweat this point is still relevant to you. Your body temperature is bound to rise during exercise and chances are you’re still going to excrete a bit of sweat. Oil left on your skin is the perfect environment for excess sebum to form. This contributes to acne and blackhead development. Showering will unclog pores and prevent problematic skin.

What other benefits does showering after exercise have?

  • A warm shower can relax the muscles you have worked.
  • A cold shower can reduce inflammation and encourage the recovery of your muscles.
  • A quick hose down is known to make you feel better and lift your mood.

Despite all of the benefits that showering after exercise has let’s just say that gyms showers aren’t always pleasant. No matter how fancy your local gym is there will always be the underlying hesitance that we all encounter when it comes to using a public shower. If you’re not comfortable with biting this bullet then there are other options that you can take to freshen yourself up.

In lieu of a shower, you can’t go wrong with a good old baby wipe and it won’t make you feel like you are simply masking any bad smells. Use them on both your face and body. This will help to combat body odour from being at the forefront of your mind (and nose) until you next get a chance to shower.

If you have longer hair you don’t have to worry about cleaning it right then and there. Wait until you have time to do this. Bring some dry shampoo with you to the gym, spritz after your workout and you’re good to go!

We hope that all of this information helps you in some way. Do you hit the gym on a regular basis? We would love to hear what your post-workout rituals include. Does yours contain any of the above?