School Mornings De-stressed…
School Mornings De-stressed… - Lifestyle
Morning routines often become lax as the summer holidays commence. So much so we end up receiving an almighty wake-up call when it comes to resetting our body clock not to mention our kids. Summer mornings tend to be associated with long, relaxing lie-ins and breathing space. It’s a shame the same can’t be said for the chaotic first weeks of term time. This blip is often associated with monstrous tantrums and the curse of Lego foot. And whilst we aren’t able to turn back the clock, we can offer our bathroom tips to help you conquer the school run.
Master The School Run With Our Back To School Hacks!
Morning routines often become lax as the summer holidays commence. So much so we end up receiving an almighty wake-up call when it comes to resetting our body clock not to mention our kids. Summer mornings tend to be associated with long, relaxing lie-ins and breathing space. It’s a shame the same can’t be said for the chaotic first weeks of term time. This blip is often associated with monstrous tantrums and the curse of Lego foot. And whilst we aren’t able to turn back the clock, we can offer our bathroom tips to help you conquer the school run.
This blog post doesn’t prepare you for playground cliques (we aren’t just talking about the kids there) but will hopefully help you get out the door without feeling burnt-out.
Switching AM to PM
If you’re really stuck for time, we find that turning AM habits into PM habits is a useful trick. Rushing to have a shower is a task that can eat up the most substantial amount of time in a morning. So, why not take a relaxing shower in the evening instead? The more you organise the night before the less there is to do and think about in the morning. Plus, showers are known for their relaxing qualities that are beneficial to help little ones drift off to sleep in no time.
Which, with any luck, will prevent the “just one-minute” line. A.K.A the linguistic shorthand for “I’m in denial and this routine isn’t working” that no-one has the patience to deal with in the morning.
For The Bed Heads
Parents are superheroes but that doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate those extra ten minutes in bed. Showering in the morning can be just the thing you need to kick-start your day right. Many night owls swear by a ritual of hitting the shower as soon as they stumble out of bed.
Showering in the morning not only combats tiredness but it also improves blood circulation and improving your system can only mean you feeling better as a whole. Plus, taking a cold shower can also decrease the likelihood of you developing a cold or flu, something we’d rather our kids steer clear of! So, if you get a moment, why not hop in the shower before the kids wake up.
But wait…
Didn’t you say showers also aid sleep?
The key is contrast
- A consistent warm temperature is perfect for showering in the evening. This is because when we are greeted with cold air and a sudden decrease in temperature this signals to your body that it is time to sleep.
- For morning showers, this is most likely an undesired effect. Shower as usual but for approximately 10-20 before you step out, turn the temperature right down. It’s nippy but leave you ready to face the school run!
Follow The Formula
Good Things Come In Small Packages
So, showering has woken you up somewhat. By now, you’re keeping track of a million and one things before the kids run downstairs. A sure-fire way of perking yourself up is to listen to your favourite tunes or catch up with what’s happening in the world. Listening to music as you prepare yourself is a good tip when manipulating your body into livening up. All of this can also be used as an incentive for the kiddos to get ready early. You could also play your favourite show in the background with a bathroom TV!
Our picks:
Bathroom accessories are ideal for organisation and don’t require a pricey investment. Liquid dispensers are multifunctional and can usually hold multiple products.
Choose a bathroom mirror that enables you to hang or place items that you frequently use and your bathroom is half way there…
Subtle changes such as adding some additional storage space to your bathroom can save you from scrambling at the last minute to find things. If you have too many nick knacks on your counter, simply remove those you or your kids don’t use on an everyday basis.
- For items that you may or may not use, then an open-close storage cabinet could be right up your alley. Keep odds and ends tucked away if they need to be kept from little mittens or do not get used as regularly.
- Or try vanity basins and take things a little more easy with a washing combo perfect for busy family bathrooms.
The Daily Grind
Once everything has its place you can begin structure a bathroom chart with the kids! Forming a creative step-by-step guide using imagery can help to keep them on track (and keen) in the morning by directing them on what’s next on their little checklists. If you can’t make one, there are many examples that you can find online or in stores!
We hope these tips help make the AM a little less hectic for you and your families! Let us know your thoughts/ in the comments. If you’re looking for some bathroom inspiration, why not check out our top family bathroom ideas!