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Securely Fixing your Toilet Paper Holder

Securely Fixing your Toilet Paper Holder - Repairs

One of the most common bathroom breakages is the toilet paper holder; the screw that holds the fixture into place often comes loose after downward pressure is applied on the holder, or after a year or two’s usage. Secondly, many people use screws that are far too short, reducing the stability of the fixture and causing it to wobble and loosen over time.


One of the most common bathroom breakages is the toilet paper holder; the screw that holds the fixture into place often comes loose after downward pressure is applied on the holder, or after a year or two’s usage. Secondly, many people use screws that are far too short, reducing the stability of the fixture and causing it to wobble and loosen over time.

To make short work of this problem, we’re going to need a screwdriver, raw plugs and a fresh batch of screws that are the right size for the holes.

Start by removing the old screws and taking the holder off the wall; if there are old, damaged raw plugs in the holes then you may have to remove them with a pair of pointed pliers.

Then take your fresh raw plugs and push them into the hole, if they put up a little resistance once they get in, you may need to tap them in with a hammer or the end of your screwdriver. If they are too loose and slide right into the hold, you may need to source thicker raw plugs or fill the holes with sealant and start from scratch by re-drilling the holes.

Once the raw plus are firmly fixed into the wall, we can begin screwing our toilet paper holder back into place. Start by pushing a screw through one of the scew holes on the holder and placing the end in the raw plug, then screw it down, leaving it a little loose to allow us to line up the other hole with the wall.

Repeat this process for the other side of the holder, making sure to fix it into the pre-existing holes. Once both sides are securely in place, you can place your roll holder back into the slots and rest assured that it is now much more secure!


Another bathroom blunder fixed with the handy help of the Bathshop321 Handyman! Be sure to check back soon for more time and money saving quick fix tips.