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See the Bathshop321 Gorilla go Ape!

See the Bathshop321 Gorilla go Ape! - Cleaning

As you may know, January 14th was ‘National Organise Your Home Day’, and at Bathshop321 we figured we’d put together a short and useful video showing just how easy it can be to tidy up that bathroom clutter using one of our modern mirrored cabinets.

As you may know, January 14th was ‘National Organise Your Home Day’, and at Bathshop321 we figured we’d put together a short and useful video showing just how easy it can be to tidy up that bathroom clutter using one of our modern mirrored cabinets.

Everything was running smoothly; our leading man Mark was organising toiletries with the speed and efficiency of an F-35 fighter jet, and we were all pretty pleased with how the shoot was going.

And then something terrible happened

Out of nowhere, a gorilla showed up.

Take a moment to digest that.

A gorilla, for no reason whatsoever showed up behind Mark and started getting all “hands on” with him. The thing literally clutched Mark by the head and shook him around like some kind of early Christmas present. Understandably we were shocked, but that kind of shocked where you all just sort of freeze; we wanted to help him, but gorillas…they’re super strong, and this one was really angry at Mark.

“A campaign of untidy destruction”

Unbelievably, once the six foot monstrosity cast Mark aside, he preceded undo every bit of organising Mark had worked so hard to do. Specifically targeting each previously tidied area of the bathroom, the gorilla wreaked havoc on shaving foam and shower gel alike, taking no prisoners during its campaign of untidy destruction. A glimmer of love was briefly expressed for a toilet role, which we won’t even begin to analyse.

After taking a swing at our cameraman, the gorilla scarpered, leaving a dazed Mark and a shaken crew in its wake. The bathroom was cluttered once again, but still ruddy stylish. It will take more than some punk gorilla with a bone to pick to leave a scratch on a Bathshop321 bathroom suite.

For a quality bathroom that can take a beating from a gorilla, take a look at our huge range of bathroom furnishings fixtures today!