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The Fairy Bathmother’s 15 Minute Fixes – Shower Curtains

The Fairy Bathmother’s 15 Minute Fixes – Shower Curtains - Repairs

Greetings all, it’s the Fairy Bathmother here with a brand spanking new blog series to help you keep your bathroom in tip-top condition regardless of how busy you are. If you’re a fan of the hit TV show “60 Minute Makeover” but don’t have 60 minutes of spare time to indulge in some much needed renovation then our 15 minute fixes should provide the perfect opportunity for some bite-sized bathroom revamps.


Greetings all, it’s the Fairy Bathmother here with a brand spanking new blog series to help you keep your bathroom in tip-top condition regardless of how busy you are. If you’re a fan of the hit TV show “60 Minute Makeover” but don’t have 60 minutes of spare time to indulge in some much needed renovation then our 15 minute fixes should provide the perfect opportunity for some bite-sized bathroom revamps.

The first in the series is addressing the Fairy Bathmother’s pet hate; unsightly shower curtains. Shower curtains can make or break your bathroom, and if you’re guilty of a tacky curtain then this issue’s definitely for you!

Shower curtains are a tricky one when it comes to accessorising, it can be hard to strike a balance between colourful and classy. So here are a few do’s and don’ts to be bear in mind when getting a new shower curtain within your 15 minute timeframe.

Identifying a Tacky Curtain

There are two ways to identify a tacky curtain:

1- There is visible mould on the surface of the curtain, caused by extended periods of damp.
2- The curtain is undeniably reminiscent of styles and colours that are well in the past.

If your shower curtain does not adhere to the colour scheme, theme or aesthetic merit of your bathroom, then it’s “curtains” (sorry I couldn’t resist) for the tacky old curtain and hello to a curtain that compliments your bathroom wonderfully!

Selecting the right colour

If you already have a colour scheme in your bathroom that you’re happy with then you have the choice of opting for a shower curtain purely consisting of your accent colour, or one which has hints of it in the design. If your accent colour is more of a pastel shade, it’s definitely worth just having hints of it in your pattern as pastel colours can look very underwhelming.

Patterned curtains are a fantastic way to incorporate hints of your accent colour, particularly if it’s vibrant. If you have a bathroom with a vintage twist, a curtain with a floral print could finish the room off perfectly, make sure the flowers contain your accent colour to tie the whole room in nicely.

We love this floral design from Dun Elm Mill, the beautiful pink is bold but not to brash!

Floral shower curtain

If you’re more of a fan of the neutral shades, then there are some fantastic shower curtains out there with earthy tones and dainty designs to add something sweet yet subtle to your bathroom. Neutral shades of towels and bath mats are very much in fashion at the moment and are perfect for smaller bathrooms where bolder shades are at risk of ‘drowning it’ so to speak.

We think this earthy shower curtain with a cheeky hint of lime from Dun Elm would look really cute with a neutral set of towels!

Earthy shower curtain

Shower curtains don’t have to be a thing of the past! If you’re into adding a little character to your bathroom then treat yourself to a daring design! Just remember to keep it clean and replace it regularly to keep it looking fresh! Tweet @ Bathrooms1 with your new shower curtains! #15minutefixes

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